Health and Safety
TOTSWC is committed to supporting a safe environment for those working in the forestry industry throughout Te Tau Ihu. There are a number of organisations and resources to support this important mahi.

Safetree is one of those, providing health and safety information for the plantation forest industry. In partnership with workers, industry and government, they support a safe, sustainable and professional forestry sector. Some of their resources that we find particularly valuable are listed below:
Contractor Register
Find contractors, workers and forest managers who have been independently assessed as meeting industry-agreed standards of professionalism and safety.
Contractor Certification
Show clients that you’re a professional, trustworthy contractor by becoming certified with Safetree. Certification sets a benchmark when it comes to health and safety systems and provides assurance to forest owners and managers that you’re competent and up to the job.
Worker Certification
Worker Certification with Safetree is a fantastic way to get official recognition from the industry that a workers’ skills are up to date. Workers are independently assessed on the job to ensure they meet safe, professional standards.
Information and reports related to the health and safety performance of the forestry industry.
Resources designed specifically for people in forestry by Safetree. Information covers best practice guides to industry stories.
Safety Alerts
Learn from the experiences of others working in forestry. Safetree safety alerts are based on real incidents and cover what happened, why it happened and lessons to be learned.
Safetree News
Safetree is regularly updating their website with industry related news. Keep up to date here.
Safetree is run by the Forest Industry Safety Council. FISC includes representatives of forest owners, forest managers, contractors, small-scale foresters, ACC, WorkSafe, unions and workers. Safetree is funded by the Forest Growers Levy Trust.

Eliminating Alcohol and Other Drugs from the Workplace
TOTSWC is committed to eliminating drugs and alcohol from all facets of the forest industry. The members of the TOTSWC believe that eliminating these substances from the workplace will reduce the risk of harm and assist in the provision of a safe workplace for all participants.

The New Zealand Forest Owners have developed A Code of Practice for the New Zealand Plantation Forestry Industry.
The objective of this Code is to minimise accident rates in New Zealand plantation forests. The Code may be copied or downloaded for this purpose from this website by those who own, manage or work in New Zealand plantation forests, and their advisers. The Code may not be republished for sale, promotional or other commercial purposes without the permission of the publisher and the copyright owner.
Here is the link to both the Code of Practice and a free template that companies can use to develop their own Workplace Alcohol & other Drugs policy and procedures.

Well-being Tools and Resources
Working in a primary industry can be tough at times, and forestry is no exception. We are subject to weather and natural events, changing markets, global issues and a public perception of forestry that often fails to recognise the many varied environmental, social and economic benefits that our industry contributes. TOTSWC is committed to supporting and assisting our workers and ensuring they know where they can assess help when they need it.
The Forest Industry Contractors Association has developed a great toolkit. Check it out here or reach out and ask us where you can go for support to build resilient workplaces.
Health and Safety Innovations in Top of the South
Innovative TOTS forestry companies have pioneered mechanised machinery that has greatly reduced the risks associated with some forestry activities and improved productivity. Check out Falcon Forestry Equipment and the work they’re doing in this space.